Exmoor Landscapes
Hoaroak Falls at Watersmeet and a huge amount of water in a rushing torrent following days of heavy rain. For many types of photography bad weather is not desirable, but where water is your subject it certainly helps.
The Exmoor Landscapes website has been long overdue for an overhaul. Sometimes, unfortunately, life's events get in the way of progress and this, combined with the mamouth task of incorporating over 1000 images onto the site has conspired against me ! However, things are moving forward again now so hopefully you will see many new images appearing on the site.

The winter of 2016-2017 has been a dismal one. No snow, no hoar frost, very little sunshine, but plenty of cloud and rain. I have to say I have produced very few good images this winter, but maybe spring will herald the start of more productive times. I do hope so.

There are now 24 seperate galleries of images to view, or at least there will be eventually ! Not all are completed yet, so please bare with me I'm getting there slowly !
Spring daffodils beside Badgworthy Water at Malmsmeade. I had to make a couple of trips here to check on the progress of the blooms then wait for a sunny morning. As it happened the slot of sunshine only lasted a short while but I managed to be there to capture it.
A chance visit to Minehead harbour early one morning saw this stunning sunrise. Transitional events such as this never last long so you need to plan ahead and be ready just in case a colourful sky develops. Having said that, this image was not planned, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
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February 2017
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